
La Frontera es Grande

So I am pretty passionate about border issues so when I saw this book I figured I needed to check it out. You don't see a lot written about Christians and there response to immigration, so I was interested to see what the author had to say. We agreed for the most part, I might be a tad bit more liberal than the author, but I just might be a bit more dramatic as well, and I kind of have a chip on my shoulder about this topic too. So maybe a little more centrist of a viewpoint wouldn't hurt me. I don't want to get into a huge political discussion, not because I am afraid to say what I think, but because I feel like this is an issue people should struggle through, not something you can poll a panel over and come to a clean and tidy conclusion. It isn't nice, it is far from tidy. The border is a mess, there is nothing easy about the problems. I do want to be clear about one thing before I go on. When I say problems, I don't want anyone to hear me saying "Mexicans". If you know me at all, you know I don't think they are the problem. The problem is humanity and the depravity that we impose on each other, and it just gets easier the more levels of separation we put between our selves and "them" whoever "they" are. People are people, and Jesus loves people. There are no stipulations on real love. So in the long run I feel like we are only exacerbating the problems at the border. No matter the height of a wall, or the persistence of the border patrol we will not stop the flow of immigrants, because ultimately immigrants are human beings and the human spirit can not be stopped. And no matter the height of the wall nor the economic divide put between us I have only one choice and that is to love "them" wherever they come from because I am an alien in this land as well, I don't belong here and ultimately I will see my real place of citizenship, so I can not be a patriot over a follower of Jesus, I can not place a flag in the way of my values, so I must love. It is the way of Jesus, and it should be the way of anyone who has chosen to be a wanderer on this planet as we wait for our true home to be revealed. A home that will be full of lovers of Jesus...most of whom won't be white.

1 comment:

  1. After hearing an interview with Richard Florida (I think this was who it was) I believe that the US should open its borders while at the same time developing some sort of basic program involving base level English so that these people can prosper better in this country.
