
More Collected Works of Various Authors, Many from the Glorious Nation of Iceland

Book 32 in my quest was McSweeney's 15 and in keeping with my previous ruling, I will not give a review of a book comprised of various writings, by various authors. I will, however, give you a brief list of some of the topics covered int the 299 pages of McSweeney's 15. Here's a taste: the quasi-invention of the cinema, dealing with sickness and dealing with kids, children being hit in the head with hammers and the ensuing birthday party mayhem, gigantic eagles, and last but not least a moral tale of our collective hands-free future with Chicago buried shoulder deep in honey.

It's good reading, and for the record, assuming there would be no human casualties I would be in favor of Chicago being covered in honey, even with the fore-knowledge that this would ultimately lead to an invasion of man-eating bears.

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